DELAD Workshop 2024

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DELAD Workshop 2024

Collecting and Sharing corpora for language and speech disorders

DELAD/CLARIN workshop at the ICL conference Poznan

11 -12 September 2024

DELAD is an initiative that facilitates the sharing of corpora of speech of individuals with communication disorders (CSD) among researchers. We do this in a GDPR compliant way and at secure repositories in the CLARIN infrastructure. See our website.

DELAD regularly organises workshops around the themes:

  • Guidelines for collecting and sharing CSD
  • Ethics and legal aspects
  • Levels of anonymisation
  • Layered access of data
  • Integration of CSD in the CLARIN infrastructure
  • Formats
  • Relevant metadata

For themes and reports of our previous workshops, visit our website

We are organising our next workshop in conjunction with the ICL Conference in Poznan in 2024: This will be a hybrid workshop held on 11th  and 12th September 2024 as a lunch to lunch meeting.  

We invite researchers working with CSD to present their work, and address their data sharing methods including any obstacles encountered.

Among others, the programme features presentations from DELAD representatives about sharing CSD via DELAD and some latest updates, including a new CLARIN Resource Family page for corpora with communication disorders (see for other examples of resource families). Other topics are related to metadata deemed relevant for making such datasets findable and a panel discussion about the role that Large Language Models (such as ChatGPT) can play in our research.

The workshop is sponsored by CLARIN ERIC. Selected contributions will receive remuneration for travel and subsistence costs via CLARIN funding.

Provisional Programme:

First day:

  • 14:00 – 14:15 Welcome
  • 14:15 – 15:15: Recent developments at ACE / DELAD for support of sharing CDS / The new CLARIN Resource Family for CDS
  • 15:30 – 17:00: Presentations by researchers about the current status of their CDS and the potential of ACE for sharing their CDS

Second day:

  • 09:30 – 09:45: Welcome / wrap up day 1
  • 09:45 – 10:45  Presentations by researchers about the current status of their CDS and the potential of ACE for sharing their CDS
  • 11:00 – 11:30: The impact of the AI Act
  • 11:30 – 12:30 Panel discussion on the impact of LLMs and LSMs on our field 
  • 13:00 – 13:15 Wrap up
  • 13:15 – : Lunch

Researchers can submit their intent to participate via the on-line form available here:  Please include  a title and brief description of the presentation if you would like to give one. Submissions are welcome until 31 July 2024.

We expect onsite ICL conference participants and online attendants.

Participation in the DELAD lunch-to-lunch workshop only is free of charge for all registered participants. In order to participate in other events of the ICL, it is required to register to ICL and pay the respective fees. Read more about the ICL registration and fees: