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- Henk van den Heuvel
- CLST, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
- Data curation, speech technology, speech pathology
- Alice Lee
- University College Cork
- Speech sound disorders, speech disorders due to structural deficits, motor speech disorders, typical articulation
- Satu Saalasti
- University of Helsinki
- Multisensory perception of speech in individuals with autism spectrum disorders and neural mechanisms underlying real-life language
- Katarzyna Klessa
- Adam Mickiewicz university in Poznan, Poland
- Speech prosody; acoustic and paralinguistic phonetics; design and development of speech and language databases; tools and resources for the speech analysis, including disordered speech (cf. e.g.
- Nicola Bessell
- University College Cork
- Typical and atypical phonetics and phonology, speech variability, acoustic analysis, problem-based learning design, research ethics
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